User Guide
how to connect to upstream

Peer: how to connect to upstream

In the upstream_peer() phase the user should return a Peer object which defines how to connect to a certain upstream.


A HttpPeer defines which upstream to connect to.

address: SocketAddrThe IP:Port to connect to
scheme: SchemeHttp or Https
sni: StringThe SNI to use, Https only
proxy: Option<Proxy>The setting to proxy the request through a CONNECT proxy (opens in a new tab)
client_cert_key: Option<Arc<CertKey>>The client certificate to use in mTLS connections to upstream
options: PeerOptionsSee below


A PeerOptions defines how to connect to the upstream.

bind_to: Option<InetSocketAddr>Which local address to bind to as the client IP
connection_timeout: Option<Duration>How long to wait before giving up establishing a TCP connection
total_connection_timeout: Option<Duration>How long to wait before giving up establishing a connection including TLS handshake time
read_timeout: Option<Duration>How long to wait before each individual read() from upstream. The timer is reset after each read()
idle_timeout: Option<Duration>How long to wait before closing a idle connection waiting for connection reuse
write_timeout: Option<Duration>How long to wait before a write() to upstream finishes
verify_cert: boolWhether to check if upstream' server cert is valid and validated
verify_hostname: boolWhether to check if upstream server cert's CN matches the SNI
alternative_cn: Option<String>Accept the cert if the CN matches this name
alpn: ALPNWhich HTTP protocol to advertise during ALPN, http1.1 and/or http2
ca: Option<Arc<Box<[X509]>>>Which Root CA to use to validate the server's cert
tcp_keepalive: Option<TcpKeepalive>TCP keepalive settings to upstream
